Posted by: Sandi | February 13, 2010

SOOC Saturday ~ “X” Marks the Spot

Slurping Life

Who knows what treasures lie beneath the frozen tundra that is our yard.  We shall find out come spring!

PS – we are soooo tired of snow!


  1. oh my that is a lovely picture
    loads loads and loads of snow
    glad to see you back !!!

  2. I bet you can’t wait to find out! Great shot.

  3. Oy! We would gladly take some off your hands! I am jealous seeing all the other snow photographs from all over! Lovely shot!

  4. I have two little pirates who are ALWAYS ready for a treasure hunt! ARRRG!! 🙂

    Great shot with the shadows!

  5. I can’t believe this but I am too…I guess that’s what two blizzards in two weeks will do to you!

  6. Nice capture….I like you await for the smell of spring!

  7. I hear you on the being sick of the snow! Fun shot!

  8. I love this shot ~ the light is so peaceful. It’s funny how life slows down so much when it snows… 😀

  9. Send some more snow our way!!! We’ve just had our first (and probably ONLY) snow this year and it lasted less than 24 hours.

    Love, love, love that picture. It promises so much!

  10. I love the shadows in this. Great ‘take’ on this idea :-). Yes, the soggy remnants of the thawed out yard are pretty sad to see once spring comes….

  11. Wow — just WOW!

    The snowy broom did make me smile. Hoping Spring comes your way soon. Thanks for stopping by the blog!

  12. It has been quite a winter! Thanks for sharing your photo!

  13. Really cool pic! We would love some snow where I live!

  14. Just happy to see a new post here! 😉 Is Jessica hibernating?

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